Friday, November 20, 2009

Captured Origami for Sales on

Since residency here in San Francisco at UCSF has kept me from participating in art shows this past year, I decided to start selling my work on Etsy . Check it out!

My work is already framed in bamboo and lucite and they ship incredibly well. I only listed a few items listed on etsy but have many more for sale. To view all of my pieces, check out the slideshow below.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Last Call for Holiday Gifts ...Recent Exhibits in New Haven and Bridgeport, Ct

I have been asked to participate in a six week show called "Mini Masterpieces" at the City Lights Gallery in Bridgeport, CT.

The show will be going until January 5th. So far, things have gone really well. Please stop by and visit them before it ends!

I was also a participant in New Haven's Open Studio in October and that went great too. The owners of City Lights actually saw my work there and asked me to participate in the show going on now.

Lastly, if you are interested in giving Origami for Christmas or perhaps, Chinese New Year, email me. There is a gallery of images listed below. Cheers, J.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Origami Wedding

I got married in October and had several pieces on display at the ceremony. I also made 1000 cranes to be thrown as a symbol of good luck. Below are a few pictures taken by our photographer, Ulysses Photography.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Recent Origami Work show at Virtu Art Festival

The slide show above will show the pieces that I showed at the Virtu Art Festival in June. While I showcased a wide variety of creatures, lobster, crab, and other aquatic animals were the best sellers by far. Given the coastal New England location, it makes sense since these pieces would look great in any beach house(at least I think so). I also sold a lot of the elephants for wedding gifts.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Elephant Origami - Perfect Wedding Gift

If you are like me, you hate giving cash at a wedding and often don't want to give someone a mixing bowl from their registry. Origami makes a great gift for any couple who may come from a cultural background that has a tradition with elephants - or someone like me who just likes elephants.

Click on the picture below to see a few elephants I have made.

A few reasons why I like to give them:
1. It is something that both the bride & groom almost universally both like
2. The shape allows me to use interesting paper that can match a couple's personality
3. The deeper meaning and symbology of elephants in weddings. The elephant is a symbol of good luck, strength, & wisdom in many asian and indian cultures as well as in religions including Buddhists, Hindus, Jainists, and Sufis. Ganesh for example, is the Hindu god of wisdom.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Why Captured Origami?

I call my work Captured Origami because most of my work is animal shapes and I press the pieces within custom, handmade frames created with plexi-glass, bamboo, and other unique materials. The small paper animals appear to be captured within the frame. All origami pieces are created from one piece of paper. Finished pieces vary in size from 2 x 3 inches to 4 x 5 feet.

I currently show my work out of my home studio in Brooklyn, at regional art fairs, and have had one solo show. I have also done commissioned work for interior designers, retail spaces, fashion shows, and custom pieces for individuals.

Sample Pieces

Click below to view an album of sample pieces.
Origami Samples